“Pee-cans” or “Puh-cons”? Anyway you say them, pecans are delicious and nutritious!

Posted: September 16, 2010 in News, Videos
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NYC LOVES Georgia Pecans!

Participants in the Fitness Magazine Mind, Body and Soul Games stopped by the Georgia Pecan booth for a quick and healthy snack. Pecans are loaded with antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats which help reduce inflammation making pecans a perfect post-recovery food. Pecans also contain the plant chemical beta-sitosterol which helps lower cholesterol and may help keep prostate glands’ healthy.

For great pecan recipes, visit http://www.georgiapecansfit.org/

*In the interest of full disclosure, I provide spokesperson services for the Georgia Pecan Commission.

  1. Tracey Pickford says:

    So glad to be able to put pecans up there with walnuts and almonds.
    (I say puh-cons’, emphasis on cons…pee’-cans makes me think of–well, look at the phonetic spelling!)

  2. The more you say it, the more you give away your accent. Everyone says it differently, but you can tell a lot about where a person is from by the way they say the word pecan.

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