Posts Tagged ‘fat’

I’m excited to announce that two nutrition experts, whom I hold in high esteem, have jointly written a book entitled The Real Skinny: Appetite for Health’s 101 Fat Habits & Slim Solutions (Penguin). Julie Upton, MS, RDN, CSSD and Katherine Brooking, MS, RDN run the a great website and blog called Appetite For Health which is loaded with great information on health, nutrition and features new products and great deals that are health related.

Now on to their book. Truth be told, I’m not much of a fan of diet books in general. I guess that’s why I haven’t written one yet …don’t hold me to that, though! Ha! But The Real Skinny isn’t really a diet book, per say. It’s more of a book of solutions to common “fat traps” that we all fall into. Sure, there’s some neat recipes and a 14-day menu plan tucked inside, but what I liked most were the 101 Fat Habits and the Slim Solutions that Julie and Katherine offer. Take Fat Habit #61 for example. I’m a nighttime nosher, for sure. I have a degree in nutrition and should know better but as I always say, when it comes to lifestyle, knowledge is great but it’s what you do that counts! Nighttime nibbling, especially the just-open-a-bag-of-anything-and-start-eating habit is the worse. Eating late at night can really ratchet up the number of calories that your mind doesn’t even register because it’s not a “sit-down” meal. But it’s not just eating late at night that’s the problem. According to Upton and Brooking, “Studies show that distracted eaters gobble up more calories compared to non-distracted eaters, and those who watch TV and eat consume 20-100% more calories compared to individuals who eat without distractions. Even worse, distracted eaters reported being less satisfied.”

People who tend to eat late at night are at more risk of being overweight, having sleep disorders and the list goes on. So what’s the Real Skinny solution? Well Julie and Katherine give you eight to choose from including eating a fiber-rich dinner and eating dinner a little later so you are full and satisfied until bedtime. My favorite tip is keeping yourself busy. Think about it. Most of us just want to unwind – which translates to zoning out in front of the tube and keeping our hands and mouths busy by filling them with food. And of course, your ability to monitor what you eat and cut off eating when you are actually full goes out the window when watching TV. Find things to do or hit the hay early and get up earlier!

Julie and Katherine also offered some insight to their book that I thought I’d share with you.

Do you need diet foods to lose weight?

There are no “special” or “manufactured” foods required to lose and maintain a healthy weight. In fact, good-for-you unprocessed foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins are probably the best foods to help you lose weight.

Many dieters get stuck on using pricey unhealthy “health” foods: diet foods, sugar substitutes, diet sodas and other calorie-reduced items that aren’t necessary and they aren’t always associated with diet success. Some studies even suggest sugar substitutes interfere with the body’s natural mechanisms to regulate caloric intake. Use diet foods and beverages sparingly and be mindful that they alone, will not equal diet success. A recent statement from health organizations say that if you use sugar substitutes as a replacement for foods and beverages with added sugars, they can help you cut calories. We suggest using sugar substitutes sparingly and limiting diet beverages.

How do you recover when you totally blow your diet?

Chronic dieters often adhere to strict all-or-nothing diets that are too restrictive and unrealistic. It’s like trying to walk on a tightrope for life, which explains their lack of success. We all will eventually fall off. Instead of thinking of a strict eating plan that doesn’t fit your lifestyle, focus on strategies that you can, with a little work, realistically live with.
You need to expect slip-ups to happen when you’re losing weight, so how you deal with a bad day, week or month helps predict success. Individuals who can lose and maintain weight loss can be flexible enough with themselves to bounce back to healthy eating. Think: Life Happens or as I like to say, #$%! Happens! And start fresh tomorrow.
of meals and snacks, you need to only eat. When the brain is distracted, it takes significantly more calories to get the same level of satiety.

Is there a difference between food calories and liquid calories?

New research shows that we’re drinking a great proportion of our calories than ever before. In fact, one-quarter of the population drinks nearly 300 calories a day from sugary drinks like soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks, flavored water and gourmet coffee drinks. The problem with drinking our calories is that they’re less satisfying than when we eat foods, so we’re unlikely to eat less when we drink more calories. In addition, most beverages with calories get their calories from nothing other than sugar. This sugar is rapidly absorbed by the body and may increase risk for metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes and may increase hunger and cravings. It’s important to think before you drink.

You can purchase a copy of The Real Skinny and find out more about Appetite for Health by visiting Julie and Katherine’s website, .

Would you like to win a copy?? Hit me up in the comment section and tell me why you need this book! Most compelling story wins!!

As we are ready to wrap up the holiday season, I wanted to share with you some advice I often share with patients: fat serves a multitude of purposes in the diet – there is no need to avoid it – eat the right kinds and in moderation. That sounds great as a sound bite but what does that statement really mean? Well, I came across a great article from my good friends at the International Food Information Council that has some slick (pun intended) information about the health benefits of healthy fats.

The Truth about Fats and Oils and Health.

In this article, you will find the statement “People who do not feel satiated [full & satisfied] by the food they’ve eaten, either because the flavor was missing or the food was not filling, may be more likely to continue eating in search of those sensations, likely offsetting any caloric deficit created by removing fats from foods.” This is EXACTLY why I don’t espouse low-fat eating. I find that my patients don’t get the same satisfaction as they do when eating full flavored, full fat original versions of recipes when they eat “liposuctioned” versions of the original. They key with eating fatty foods is to enjoy them in LIMITED portions.

As always, olive to skim your thoughts on this heavy subject. Sorry…couldn’t resist!

The Guyatitian

Dear Guyatitian:

 Isn’t oil not that great for you? For example, I use Canola oil or the Smart Balance Omega Oil (it’s a blend of canola, soy and olive oil) because I thought they were the BETTER oils to use, but when I compared those to my regular old vegetable oil, everything was exactly the same – EXCEPT that the vegetable oil had 2 grams of Saturated Fat per serving, while the others only had 1 gram of Saturated Fat per serving.

 I also noticed that there are 120 fat calories per 1 tablespoon! 

YIKES! I know I’m eating more than one tablespoon of dressing on my salad, so am I just ruining my healthy salad by adding my oil based dressings to it?????

 Dear Fat-Phobe

Here’s the skinny on fat. Most “vegetable oil” is actually soybean oil. All of the oils you named, including soy oil, are excellent choices that can be used on salads, cooking, or baking. All are considered low in saturated fat (the stuff that can contribute to heart disease) and all are heart-healthy. So 2 grams of saturated fat versus 1 gram is no big whoop except if you are drowning your salad in oil!

On the positive side, fat helps promote satiety. Meaning, if the salad you ate had some oil-based dressing on it, it might tide you over longer than a fat free dressing. Also, recent research shows that adding a little fat to your salad actually helps maximize the absorption of the nutrients in your salad.

Now let’s talk calories. Whether you are talking a tablespoon of butter, oil or any other type of fat, they all have about the same amount of calories.

So no, I don’t think you are ruining your healthy salad by using oil-based dressings but you certainly can turn it unhealthy if you put on too much. Here’s a link to a video I did at Ponte Fresco restaurant in Chicago that illustrates this point.

If you are like me, who likes a salad a little ‘wet’, opt for a low-cal,reduced fat ( NOT fat free) dressing or use one of those mist spray dressings that cover every bite of salad with just enough dressing.

Yours in good health,

The Guyatitian